First and foremost – Happy 6th Birthday, Slade Royce!
I cannot believe you are six. SIX! I don’t think I’ll ever believe it each year you grow older. So count on me saying that until you’re about 40. And then I promise to lose count.
When he woke up this morning the first words he said was, “Am I six now?!”
“Yes, Bubba, you're six!” (as I fight back tears)
I can be cliché and tell you about how I remember the day you were born, but let’s face it, I will NEVER forget that day. I am entirely proud of the smart, kind and funny boy you are. I am beyond thankful for all of the joy you bring me, your father and our families and friends.
I want to take this time to express how much this little person has been my happiness through all of this. He is the reason I want to better myself. He is the reason I want to wake up each day with a smile on my face. He is the reason I want to try harder at everything I endure.
He is my reason.
Bubba, you have given me the greatest love there ever is. You have made me realize that happiness is so important and no one can take that from you.
I'll instill that in your mind till there are no more days. But most of all, I want you to know and never forget, you're my happiness. You are truly, wholeheartedly my happiness.
I don’t know where I would be without this kid. If there was one thing we did right, it was create the most amazing boy ever.
Here is a survey he took over pancakes with sprinkles and a side of bacon:
Slade, age 6
What is your name? Slade
Do you have a nickname? Since it’s winter, Frosty
How old are you? (He held his 6 little fingers up)
What makes you laugh? Tickling
What makes you scared? The dark
What is your favorite color? Red and blue
What is your favorite animal? Turtle (go figure!)
What is your favorite book? Ninja Turtles
What is your favorite TV show? Spongebob Squarepants
What is your favorite movie? TMNT
What is your favorite song? The Godzilla theme song
What is your favorite food? Pancakes
What is your favorite drink? Water, because it’s a healthy choice
What is your favorite snack? Granola bar
What is your favorite restaurant? Doc’s
What is your favorite outfit? My jacket
What is your favorite game? Temple Run
What is your favorite toy? Dinosaurs
Who is your best friend? Mark
What is your favorite holiday? Christmas
What do you like to take to bed with you at night? Stuffed animals
Where do you like to go? Playground
Where do you want to go on vacation? The beach, with my cousins
What do you love to learn about? Indians and the pilgrims
What do you want to be when you grow up? Police man
If you had one wish on your birthday, what would it be? I just want my Mom and Dad to love me
(Heart melted)
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