Thursday, April 9, 2015


Well hello there everyone! It has been a while. I have something spectacular to share with you all.

I paid a visit to my Grandma yesterday because she wasn’t having the best of days. Anyway, we get to talking and she hands me a paper that my Mom is supposed to make copies of. So of course I inquire what this paper is all about. She says to me, “you can read it if you’d like”.

So I do.

Lo and behold, it was one important piece of paper! My Grandma, let me say it again, MY GRANDMA is getting rewarded by Austin Community College for induction into the National Adult Education Honor Society {NAEHS}!

Her response after I low key flipped out, was, “I told them I don’t want them taking no pictures of me!

If you know my Grandma, you know:
1. She doesn’t like photographs being taken of her
2. She doesn’t smile if you happen to snap a shot

Side note – little does she know, I’ll be there snapping away! Shhh, don’t tell. ;-)

Now you know I have to mention her age – she will be turning 81 on May 20th. If that doesn’t make your world go round, I don’t know what else will.

My Grandma is taking classes to further her knowledge in today’s education. When my Grandma was younger school wasn’t of importance because she needed to work to help her family. This is her third year taking classes and she goes twice a week. What’s a better time than now?!

I cannot begin to explain how proud I am of her and how much motivation this gives me! This goes to show you can do anything you put your mind to. It’s never too late to reach your goals. No dream is too big! I think we lose sight of that often due to extra-curricular activities or heck, life even!

Sometimes we become full of excuses when what we truly want and hope for is in arms reach. It takes action, determination and hard work to get there. But that’s the thing; YOU HAVE TO DO IT.

This brings me to a few people I know who have taken that leap to achieve their dreams/goals and I’d like to send some admiration their way:

Pedro – you’ve longed to put your talents into something bigger and take it a step further; and you finally are! This is just the beginning of more challenges with even bigger rewards. I know you will do nothing less than the best where ever you may go. With that said, any business is LUCKY to have you.

Ke-era – you enlisted in the United States Army! This literally needs no explanation. What you’re doing is incredible and it takes a brave soul to accomplish. I salute you.

Steven – you tried once and were so close! But hey, people break their foot, it happens. No big deal {ha, glad we can relate}. Now you are getting a second chance to do what your heart is set on. And by the looks of the process so far, you’re almost there! All I ask is you let me slide… kidding!

Can we get an Amen for all these amazing individuals?! Makes you want to get up and GO, right?

I know I am.

This isn’t to say we all aren’t chasing our dreams or already doing what we love. I applaud those who are. The limits in life are only the ones we make.

 So never stop!

I’ll conclude with how honored I am to be named after such an amazing woman, my Grandma. Last but not least, holy bananas, GO GRANDMA!!


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