Wednesday, June 25, 2014


If you know me, you know I am a ginormous over-thinker. Whether it be about what to buy at HEB to a situation that means the world to me. I. Think. Too. Much. Period.

Lately my mind has been consumed by so much, I feel like I lose reality at times.

It has its ups and downs. Here’s why…

-I make myself believe what I have embedded in my head.
-I over-analyze the situation.
-I create an outcome for something I don’t even know is true because, well, I’m thinking too much.
-I want to know right away that I am right or wrong.

-9 times out of 10, I am right. My intuition is off the charts. Try me.
-I end up planning ahead because I can’t get it out of my mind.
-I never forget what I have in my thoughts and I will inform you on them.

And I am not talking about continuous negative thinking. I am talking about everything. Am I solo on this?! Please say I am not.

There are times I literally want to go outside and scream because my mind won't stop. But at the end of the day—the things on my mind mean something to me. They are important. Important enough to drive me crazy.

Like Drake said, "Don't think about it too much".

Trust me, I'm trying not to, Aubrey.


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