Tuesday, August 12, 2014

35 years and counting...

Today is dedicated to my wonderful parents; Gilbert & Terri Rangel.

They are celebrating their 35th Wedding Anniversary! Not only have they given me hope, but they have set this mold in my heart for what I want in the future. They have shown me and my brother the true definition to marriage and love.

Nowadays marriage isn’t of high importance {in my opinion} and that’s okay. Everyone is different and chooses their life happiness in various ways. But marriage to me, has always been extremely significant for this very reason – my parents.

Nothing seems worthier than having someone you love and adore by your side FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE. That right there makes life worth it. Makes your days that much better. Makes your bad days that much better.

Who wouldn’t want that?

With that said – thank you Mommie and Daddy for showing me what love is and what love can be. I hope to one day be able to say I am celebrating my 35th Wedding Anniversary, too.

Happy Anniversary. I love you.


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