Monday, August 25, 2014

First Day of School

Well, we have reached that time of year again – Back to School!

I woke Slade up at 6:30a, he reached over to hug me and then popped out of bed. He was instantly excited to wake up. He brushed his teeth and came to ask for Cocoa Puffs.

When we were getting dressed he said, “We need to hurry because I don’t want to miss the bus!” Silly goose.

On the way out the door he grabbed a banana and then we were off. Before we got out of the car he told me, “I’m going to miss you, Mom.” I had to swallow a huge lump in my throat after hearing that.

Anyway – we walked him to class, got him settled in and we left.

Tears literally streamed down my face the whole way to my car and all the way home. Memories of him as a baby keep replaying in my mind.

I can’t believe I have a Kindergartner.


I’m sure you all know by now my summer was one big emotional roller coaster and I am glad it’s coming to an end. Glad summer is coming to an end, that is.

Someone told me, “life sometimes gives you these obstacles and we each handle them differently.”

I am growing to accept that. You have it mapped out how you would handle a situation and hope that they would handle it in the same way as you would. But that’s not always the case. I’ve learned that the hard way and will continue to.

You can’t make someone be where they don’t want to be. You can’t make someone do what they don’t want to do.

And with that said, I must move forward. With or without you.

Timing may be in your favor at this very moment and I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t think it’s fair, but you know what – it’s in our favor, too {Slade’s and myself}.

We are starting new chapters in our lives; with school, it being just us, a new place to live, etc. We must begin this school year off the right way. Which is with a positive mind frame, a smile and confidence.

We’ll be going on one big hiatus. I must keep us focused on the now and this new life God has presented to us.

I wish everyone the best of luck this school year!

Before I go: remember, be thankful every morning that you wake up, live each day to your fullest even though you feel like your world is crumbling down, and lastly - tell the ones you love that you love them every chance you get because you never know.

And that’s the truth.

And I also want to thank each and every one of you that has lent me an ear, given me a hug, let me cry to you and genuinely be there for me. I appreciate more than you may know. So thank you to; my Mommie, Shaun, Mo, Gina, Ash, Steph, Mireya, Jesika, Clayton, P, Dante and Brooke.