Thursday, July 10, 2014


As I sit in my cubicle this Thursday morning on July 10th, one word is stuck in mind; and that is, severity.

noun, plural se·ver·i·ties.
1. Harshness, sternness, or rigor: Their lives were marked by severity.
2. Austere simplicity, as of style, manner, or taste: The severity of the decor was striking.
3. Intensity or sharpness, as of cold or pain.
4. Grievousness; hard or trying character or effect: The severity of his loss was finally becoming apparent.
5. Rigid exactness or accuracy.

We all look at certain things with high importance. Let me rephrase, there are things in life that we should look at with high importance. The definition reads, “Rigid exactness or accuracy”. That one description sticks out like a sore thumb.

Where there is severity, there are choices. Every choice made, whether it be big or small, has a specific significance to you. When the choice is made to put that “important” something to the side – that’s when you reap the outcome.

Being accurate about a choice is key. A decision, even. Stay focused on what means most. Losing sight of that is normal, but to an extent. Remember why this is so important to you.

Like I said, we SHOULD all look at things with high magnitude if it is on some sort of pedestal in your life.

But, that doesn’t mean we all do.

At the end of the day, after you made the choice to have your side instead of the main course, you’ll see the severity of that pick.

Choose wisely.


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