Thursday, October 22, 2015


Every day we are faced with one thing, no matter what – a decision. It can be where you are eating for lunch, which gas station has the cheapest gas OR it can be a decision that is so critical that it is life changing.

Let’s go with: “life changing
The first thing that comes to mind is, “are you running toward something instead of running from something?”

What I mean by that is – sometimes we are desperately looking for something different, without regard for whether it’s actually better for you or if it is even what you truly want.

Think about drawing a circle – you can’t complete it unless you have two connecting points. Without one end all you have is an ongoing line. The only direction you are headed is not there.

That is not good enough. How do you know it is good enough?

Well you don’t.

Sometimes it is a chance you have to be willing to take. This decision could either be the right one, or it could be the wrong one. There is nothing else to it.

We can make decisions based on uncertainty, doubt or curiosity. It could be a slue of things. But if either of those are your reasoning for a certain decision being made, don't you agree it is best to go with your gut feeling?

I am not necessarily saying this is a bad situation, just the fact that if those feelings are present put those into perspective.

Other times a decision can be so selfless. And that is where I lie...

If you know me or have been reading my blogs, I am one to put others before myself. In this case, I truly feel that is what I am doing. Never am I saying it is one-sided, but it was a decision made with hope of an outcome that is better.

An outcome I know is capable of happening.

And here's the "bad" about making a decision; it could be the wrong one. I may be wrong, but that comes along when coming to a fork in the road.

I'll leave with this: I have faith in this decision. Whether you agree or not, I know there is better down the road. Trust me, I've been on one of the bumpiest roads of life and I ended up to you.

What does that tell you?