Wednesday, April 27, 2016



Yes, that is correct – I am going to be a Godmother! Let me tell you, this is one tremendous honor! I have never been chosen for something so special.

I wanted to write about this because the Perez Family are ones I hold near and dear to my heart.

Here’s why:

Steph and I met back in 2006, maybe earlier! That means we are going on 10+ years of friendship. To me, that is incredible! Long-lasting friendships are hard to come by nowadays.

She and Daniel used to come to parties I’d throw at my parents’ house, I’d go to parties with them in Daniel’s Explorer {Steph, do you remember that?!} to going to Lava Lounge on a Thursday. If I am not mistaken they saw the National Championship at my parents’ house; when Texas actually won! People even began to say Steph and I looked alike. Once we heard that we started to call one another, “Twinny”!

Ha, our memories are endless.

But most importantly, Steph and Daniel have been there for some of life’s most important events. From my baby shower, to Slade’s 1st birthday, to the day I graduated college. There are many more, but that is the jist of how loyal they have been and are.

Not only has Steph been present for the good moments, she has also been there for the bad. She never hesitated when it came to being a lending ear with more than encouraging words to offer. And that in itself is such a blessing to find in a person.

This is one of the many reasons why I am extremely grateful for this choosing – you’re stuck with me, Steph! Ha, in all realness words cannot describe how eager and thrilled I am to become a Godmother.

I promise to be there for any and everything she needs, just as we have done for one another throughout our friendship. I will always have love to give and time to spare!

Again, thank you for choosing ME!! My heart just grew bigger for a baby girl whom I know will be so beautiful and loving – Alexandra Sloane!


Friday, April 1, 2016


Well hello there my fellow friends—'s been a minute. I am here, I promise. Just living and loving. I was thinking how I need to write more, so here I am.

It begins...

I have always been one to be overly friendly, kind, social, whatever you may perceive it to be. That's me. To an extent where in a relationship, it was frowned upon.

Yes, I said the same thing you're thinking. But why?!

I honestly don't necessarily have the answer, but I think I can break it down some. Not just the reasoning as to why that person felt that way, but also a little insight as to why I am that way.

You see, {I had a mini rant similar to this via Snapchat—follow me: bexrang} I feel nowadays we're so consumed by what others may think of us or overly focused on what it is we "should" be doing.

When in reality, none of that truly matters.

What truly matters is who you are as a whole. Whether that be your passion of a certain hobby, your job or being a Mother. Any and everything counts! You name it, that can be your purpose.

But more importantly, your heart, your soul, your voice, your dignity, that is what means most.

The beauty of it all— you get to choose that! No one else does. Unless YOU let them. Does that make sense?

Because me being who I was was frowned upon I genuinely felt that I should pull back. No joke. And now that I think of it, I tell myself, "why on earth would you do that, Becca?!"

That. Is. Who. You. Are.

Nothing or no one should ever have the capability to take away who you are. That is almost a weakness within yourself {myself} to allow that. And there is nothing worse than giving into a weakness.

If anything, the world needs more people who are willing to be themselves, especially if that means you're a person who is open and willing. You are a gem, baby! Believe me.

I think more times than none we forget that the importance of our existence is to make a difference in the world. You may think, "Oh, I'm no one".

But you couldn't be more wrong.

As much as a smile or simple hello to a stranger really could make or change a person's day. Even more so, you're day. Just knowingi you took that time to just BE YOU

It took no effort or money to who be you are. And I had to remind myself that.

I will never stop being friendly or social. This is who God made me to be so I am going to share it as long as he lets me.

Each and everyone of us has something special to share with the world. So I encourage you to do it! Don't let society or anyone let you think otherwise. We are all worth it. We are all beautiful. We are all the same because we all have a heart.

And having heart is the absolute true beauty of life.