Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Mission {almost} Complete

What do you know, summer is here. Again! Just like that!
I know EVERY parent says this, but I cannot believe the school year came and went that fast. It feels like just yesterday I was meeting the teacher, attending the Christmas party and BOOM, school is out.
But of course I am going to start this blog off by recognizing Slade's outstanding performance as a first grader! What kind of Mom would I be if I didn't?! ;-)
Slade blew my mind this year. I don't just say that because he's my beloved son, but because I am stating facts. In kindergarten it is ALL exciting because it's all so new, but first grade - let me tell you! Slade read books, signs on the highway, heck, he even read my text messages!! He mastered math and got 'Super Kid' in Specials more than twice in each! Specials are PE, Art and Music.
Quick funny story - when he would get 'Super Kid' in Music I would ask, "what did you do, sing your lungs out?!" Haha.
There is nothing more rewarding than seeing your child succeed. Not in just in a learning aspect, but in all areas of life. This year was a great year for Slade. It definitely amazed me.
Here's why:
I'm sure you all know by now that Slade is a natural born sweetheart. This school year proved that, yet again!
I'm not positive that all schools utilize the "color behavioral chart", but Slade's has since last year - example: red equals "bad, if you will", green is "good" and purple is "outstanding" and very rare to receive.
*drum roll please*
Slade completed the ENTIRE school year with nothing but greens and purples! Not one other color made it to the planner we sign each day. Now that right there gives me a sense of satisfaction as a parent.
We're doing something right!
Lastly, Slade was voted "Biggesst Heart" in class. How sweet is that?! Slade, my love, take bow!
This brings me to a subject that as a parent, I think of quite often. I'm sure we all do.
We live in such a cruel world that is constantly surrounded by hate that we have to remember, if we want a better world - we have to start with our children {I read that on Vanessa Roy's Instagram and could not agree more}.
Something extremely crucial in a child's life is instilling kindness, confidence, compassion, respect and responsibility - I mean the list can go on. It is our duty as a parent to make sure as they grow that they see how vital these characteristics are in life.
Okay, I am not saying have a counseling session with your child every day because let's face it, THEY ARE KIDS! But when conflicts arise, when they have hurt feelings, when they lose a soccer game - that is your chance to show and explain the many options that make it okay in the end.
Being a moral role model and mentor means that we need to almost always practice honesty with our little ones. After all, we are whom they confide in and we are who they watch.

These little, innocent souls are so precious. Again, it is up to us to make them great! Children are not born good or bad and we have to remember that. We are all blessed to have littles in our lives {I say we because almost all of my friends have kids}. I am beyond thankful for Slade and the boy he is growing up to be.

I could go and on on this topic and Slade, but I will stop here! Remember: it cost ZERO DOLLARS to be kind.