Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Don't say anything...

Boo! I'm back.

I swear I say this more times than not. I promise I am going to get better at coming to the keyboard to say "hey" or to you know... speak my mind!

SO! What's going on in life?

As for me, living day by day with a smile on my face.

Being a Mom to Slade AND Jet. Who's Jet you ask? Stay tuned until May 21st! Special blog coming that day.

Being a lover. A daughter. A friend. A stranger who tells you hello.

 All of the above!!

I am going to jump into a topic I feel we are maybe all guilty of
something I hear and see more often.

Before I continue let me throw a disclaimer out there!
{YES, I KNOW, we choose to put our lives on social media so what we show is free game to any and everyone. Unless you have a private page. Which in my opinion defeats the purpose of having social media. But we all have our reasons.}


This is simple. What an individual chooses to share on a social media outlet IS WHAT THEY CHOOSE to share on a social media outlet.

Did you get that?

Sometimes I think others believe they are entitled to more than just an opinion.


You are not. You are not in charge of someone else's life. Better yet, someone else's life choices. Ever heard the term, "do you"?

I mean, it's literally THAT simple.

Too many times I see subliminal messages or comments that are quite disturbing.

I know what you are all thinking... "Becca, who cares what other people say?! "You're right! 100%! Except the point I am trying to make is to the people who are doing the saying.

We live in this world where words have become so much more impactful and painful. And to be an ADULT and partake in such pettiness is beyond me.

We have all seem to forgot the golden rule we were taught as littles - "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all".

Just because you may not believe in what someone else is doing, saying, posting, wearing, etc. does not give you leeway to "HATE" that person. I strongly dislike to use the word hate, but it literally has gotten to that point.


Remember we are all different. Everyone has a different story. We often fail to realize the negative impact our words may have. No one is perfect, I completely understand that. Revisit the process if you chose to go the not-so-nice route. Karma is REAL and if you put negative energy in the universe, you best believe that is what you will receive in return.

Lastly, to everyone - if you are smiling, you have a roof over your head, your bills are paid, your tummy if full - then by all means, DO YOU!

Like Ellen Degeneres says, "Be kind to one another!!"


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